As Always, there are hits and misses on the Red Carpet. Our Ladies of the Red Carpet continue to surprise, astonish, and yes, even horrify! The men, in general were an amazing example of Girlfriend Shopping. They all looked delectable in their Sunday Best, and so we commend the men, for taking their great looks on the red carpet to the Extreme Sport levels.
Here is our list of Hits, and Misses, from the carpet.
And the nominees are: Jennifer Lopez, Cameron Diaz, Penelepe Cruz, Carey Mulligan, Helen Mirren, Kate Winslet, Queen Latifah, Maggie Gillenhal, Rachel Adams, Sandra Bullock Demi Moore and many more!
Winner: Cameron Diaz, Queen Latifah, and Sandra Bullock. (Many girls were runners up, too numerous to name.)
And the losers are: Meryl Streep, Tina Fey, (aka Betty Rubble) Sarah Jessica Parker, Charlize Theron, Sigourney Weaver, and more!
We know you'll agree that the red carpet escapades have outdone themselves this year, oh, and on a final note, the interpretive dance sequence was well, what can we say, they better go back to the drawing board on that one.
Congratulations to the Winners!

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